PHILOSOPHY of Adventist Education
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
- MATTHEW 5:16
I am committed to an educational truth not rooted in Adventism alone, but in the Word and therefore I am committed to serving children and families through an Adventist Educational System. A commitment made mainly because it fosters a balanced development of the whole person— spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional—a process that spans a lifetime.
- MATTHEW 5:16
I am committed to an educational truth not rooted in Adventism alone, but in the Word and therefore I am committed to serving children and families through an Adventist Educational System. A commitment made mainly because it fosters a balanced development of the whole person— spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional—a process that spans a lifetime.

I have taught only in our Adventist School System for 20 years and have loved every moment with the students. I have learned as much as I have shared with hundreds of students and I count that as a blessing. My teaching track has taken me through all the elementary grades K-8th. The classroom arrangements I have taught include single-grade classrooms, multi-grade classrooms, and one-room schools in both K-8 and K-12 schools.
In addition to teaching in the classroom, I have also had the honor to teach my own children through homeschooling. Throughout various points of my teaching experience, homeschooling was by far the most strenuous, yet rewarding, given that you must set-up every component of the program and curriculum on your own while you fund it. All my girls enjoyed it and we all gained a bond stronger than any other experience we have had as a family.
In addition to teaching in the classroom, I have also had the honor to teach my own children through homeschooling. Throughout various points of my teaching experience, homeschooling was by far the most strenuous, yet rewarding, given that you must set-up every component of the program and curriculum on your own while you fund it. All my girls enjoyed it and we all gained a bond stronger than any other experience we have had as a family.

My academic career began at Alcorn State University as a Business Management major. After sincere prayer about where I could serve the Lord best, I answered the call to go into teaching at Oakwood College in 1996. After actively pursuing my BS degree in Elementary Education, I graduated “Honorable Mention” and decided to gain teaching experience before pursuing a master’s degree. Throughout my teaching ministry I have maintained an NAD Denominational certification by earning both Academic and Professional credits. Currently, I possess a Professional Certification. I have completed an MA degree in Curriculum and Instruction to further my ability to serve in different areas of Education. This degree includes a complete training in Instructional Coaching, Professional Development design and implementation, and writing and evaluating curriculum.

Over the years I have enjoyed serving in both administrative teaching positions as well as being a classroom teacher. Leadership opportunities have afforded me the opportunity to put in action what I believe every child deserves in a school setting.
Edifying and encouraging teachers has always been important to me. As such, the Lord has allowed me to serve Him in and enrich my colleagues in a number of ways:
Edifying and encouraging teachers has always been important to me. As such, the Lord has allowed me to serve Him in and enrich my colleagues in a number of ways:
- Writer, Adventist Journal, December 2022, Small School Issue
- Professional Development Creator & Presenter, Trauma-Based Teaching, August & October 2021
- Presenter, BRIDGE K-2 Multi-grade Curriculum, Pacific Union Conference, 2019
- Trainer, Bible Encounter, Southern Union, 2019
- Writer, Curriculum Committee - Pathways, North American Division 2012-2016
- Writer, Curriculum Committee - BRIDGE, North American Division/Southern Union, 2016-2020
- Coordinator & Facilitator, Outdoor School, South Central Conference
- Member, K-12 Board, Kentucky-Tennessee Conference
- Member. K-12 Board, Texas Conference
- Member, Executive Committee, Texas Conference
- Member, School Evaluation Committee, Gulf States Conference
- Member, School Evaluation Committee, Texas Conference
- Presenter, Multi-Grades Pathways, Texas Conference
- Presenter & Co-Presenter, 2006 & 2012 North American Division Teachers' Convention - Nashville
- Presenter & Co-Presenter, 2018 North American Division Teachers' Convention – Chicago

As an educator, everything I do is service. To highlight the other side of ministry for me is to describe the way the Lord has placed service full time in my life alongside my family. CHANGEministry ( is what the Lord gave our family almost 20 years ago. CHANGE is an acronym inviting seekers to “Come Have A New Growth Experience”. Beginning as a youth Bible study for a few Academy students curious about Biblical concepts, it grew into an online Bible Study and evangelistic ministry that blesses hearts around the world. Directed by my husband, an evangelist, teacher, and former lay-pastor, CHANGEministry has travelled worldwide “Touching Christ -Teaching People”.
Some other great things CHANGE has been able to do is to work in partnership with conferences to teach churches principles of reconciliation and emphasize Biblical concepts by hosting local revivals. As a family, we enjoy feeding the homeless and ministering through puppetry. We also give personal Bible studies and spiritual counseling.
Some other great things CHANGE has been able to do is to work in partnership with conferences to teach churches principles of reconciliation and emphasize Biblical concepts by hosting local revivals. As a family, we enjoy feeding the homeless and ministering through puppetry. We also give personal Bible studies and spiritual counseling.

My background is extensive in the use of learning enrichment resources including Discipleship Training, Responsive Classroom, Pathways 2.0, 4-MAT, WrAP, FACTS, DIBELS, Dreambox, Clever, Reading A-Z, Lexia, Star 360 and MAP Standardized Assessment. Having used both Microsoft Office Suite and Apple’s equivalent, my teaching software/hardware experience includes utilizing SMART Board, Apple iPads, Amazon Kindles, Nooks, Alexa, and various desktops and laptops for learning.
News Articles (click to read)
Ministry Leadership
Mission Trips
Project-Based Learning
Family Ministry
Available upon request
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my ministry. Know that my family and I are praying with you and for your prayerful consideration!