Sabbath School Study Group (SSSG)
Sabbath School Study Group (SSSG) is a daily devotional that empowers you with a boost of inspiration for your walk with Jesus!
Lesson 10 - Unity & Broken Relationships
Week of December 3-7, 2018
Monday - "From Slave To Son"
Tuesday - "Spiritual Gifts For Unity"
Wednesday - "Forgiveness"
Thursday - "Restoration & Unity"
Friday - "Restored Friendship"
Lesson 9 - The Most Convincing Proof
Week of November26-30, 2018
Monday - "Ministry Of Reconciliation"
Tuesday - "Practical Unity"
Wednesday - "Unity Amid Diversity"
Thursday - "Unity In Mission"
Friday - "Under The Cross Of Jesus"
Lesson 8 - Unity In Faith
Week of November 19-23, 2018
Monday - "Second Coming Of Christ"
Tuesday - "Jesus' Ministry In The Heavenly Sanctuary"
Wednesday - "The Sabbath"
Thursday - "Death & Resurrection"
Friday - "Salvation In Jesus"
Lesson 7 - When Conflicts Arise
Week of November 12-16, 2018
Monday - "Conversion of Gentiles"
Tuesday - "The Spirit Is Leading"
Wednesday - "The Jerusalem Council"
Thursday - "A Difficult Solution"
Friday - "Ethnic Prejudices"
Lesson 6 - Images of Unity
Week of November 5-9, 2018
Monday - "The Household Of God"
Tuesday - "The Temple Of The Holy Ghost"
Wednesday - "The Body Of Christ"
Thursday - "Sheep & Shepherd"
Friday - "The People of God"
Lesson 5 - The Experience Of Unity In The Early Church
Week of October 29-November 2, 2018
Monday - "From Babel To Pentecost"
Tuesday - "Unity In Fellowship"
Wednesday - "Generosity & Greed"
Thursday - "Remember The Poor"
Friday - "Days Of Preparation
Lesson 4 - The Key To Unity
Week of October 22-26, 2018
Monday - "Breaking Down The Wall"
Tuesday - "Unity In One Body"
Wednesday - "Church Leaders & Unity"
Thursday - "Human Relationships In Christ"
Friday - "Blessings In Christ"
Lesson 3 - That They May All Be One
Week of October 15-19, 2018
Monday - "Jesus Prays For His Disciples"
Tuesday - "For Those Who Believe In Me"
Wednesday - "Unity Among Christians"
Thursday - "One Faith Shared In Love"
Friday - "Jesus Prays For Himself"
Lesson 2 - Causes Of Disunity
Week of October 8-12, 2018
Monday - "Right In His Own Eyes"
Tuesday - "Division Of The Hebrew Nation"
Wednesday - "Schism In Corinth"
Thursday - "Wolves Will Come"
Friday- "Return O Backsliding Children"
Lesson 1 - Creation & The Fall
Week of October 1-5, 2018
Monday - "The Consequences of The Fall
Tuesday - "Further Disunity & Seperation"
Wednesday - "Abraham, Father Of God's People"
Thursday - "God's Chosen People"
Friday - "Love As A Foundation Of Unity"
Lesson 13 - Journey To Rome
Week of September 24-28, 2018
Monday - "The Shipwreck"
Tuesday - "In Malta"
Wednesday - "Paul In Rome, Finally"
Thursday - "Victory Of The Gospel"
Friday - "Sailing To Rome"
Lesson 12 - Confinement In Caesarea
Monday - "Before Festus"
Tuesday - "Before Agrippa"
Wednesday - "Paul's Defense"
Thursday - "Paul Before The Leaders"
Friday - "Before Felix"
Lesson 11 - Arrest In Jerusalem
Monday - "Riot In The Temple"
Tuesday - "Before The Crowd"
Wednesday - "Before The Sanhedrin"
Thursday - "Transfer To Caesarea"
Friday - "Meeting The Jerusalem Leaders"
Lesson 10 - Paul's Third Journey
Monday - "Ephesus - Part 2"
Tuesday - "Troas"
Wednesday - "Miletas"
Thursday - "Tyre & Caesarea"
Friday - "Ephesus - Part 1"
Lesson 9 - Paul's Second Journey
Monday - "Philippi"
Tuesday: "Thessalonica & Berea"
Wednesday: "Paul In Athens"
Thursday: "Paul In Corinth"
Friday: "Back In Lystra"
Lesson 8 - The Jerusalem Council
Week of August 20-24, 2018
Monday - "Circumcision (Of The Heart)"
Tuesday - "The Debate"
Wednesday - "The Apostolic Decree"
Thursday - "The Jerusalem Letter"
Friday - "The Point At Issue"
Lesson 7 - Paul's First Missionary Journey
Week of August 13-17, 2018
Monday - "Pisidion Antioch: Part 1"
Tuesday - "Pisidion Antioch: Part 2"
Wednesday - "Iconium"
Thursday - "Lystra & Derbe"
Friday - "Salamos & Paphos"
Lesson 6 - "The Ministry of Peter"
Week of August 6-10, 2018
Monday - "At Cornelius' House"
Tuesday - "The Gift Of The Spirit"
Wednesday - "The Church In Antioch"
Thursday - "Herod's Persecution"
Friday - "At Lydda & Joppa"
Lesson 1 - "You Will Be My Witnesses"
Week of July 2-6, 2018
Monday - "The Disciples' Mission"
Tuesday - "He Will Come Again"
Wednesday - "Preparing For Pentecost"
Thursday - "The Twelth Apostle"
Friday - "The Restoration Of Israel"
Lesson 13 - "The Return Of Our Lord Jesus"
Week of June 25-29, 2018
Monday: "Daniel & The 2nd Coming Of Jesus"
Tuesday: "Long-Term Prospects"
Wednesday: "In The Clouds Of Heaven"
Thursday: "The Living & The Dead"
Friday: "The Day Of The Lord"
Lesson 12 - "Babylon & Armageddon"
Week of Jun 18-22, 2018
Monday: "Babylon Is Fallen"
Tuesday: "Armageddon"
Wednesday: "Armageddon & Mt. Carmel - Part 1"
Thursday: "Armageddon & Mt. Carmel - Part 2"
"The Wine Of Her Wrath" |
Lesson 11 - "God's Seal Or The Beast's Mark"
Week of June 11-15, 2018
Monday - "The Beast & False Worship"
Tuesday - "The Seal of God"
Wednesday - "The Mark Of The Beast"
Thursday - "The Sabbath As The Seal"
Friday - "God's Sign Identifying His People"
Lesson 10 - "America & Babylon"
Week of June 4-8, 2018
Monday - "The United States In Prophecy"
Tuesday - "An Issue of Worship"
Wednesday - "Babylon, The Great"
Thursday - "Come Out Of Her My People"
Friday - "Deadly Wound Healed"
Lesson 9 - "End Time Deceptions"
Week of May 28-June 1, 2018
Monday - "The Two Great Errors'"
Tuesday - "The Immortality Of The Sould
Wednesday - "Sabbath & The Theory Of Evolution"
Thursday - "The Counterfeit Trinity"
Friday - "The Grandest Deception"
Lesson 8 - "Worship The Creator"
Week of May 21-25, 2018
Monday - "The Thief On The Cross &..."
Tuesday - "Fear God & Give Glory To Him"
Wednesday - "The Hour of His Judgment Has Come"
Thursday - "Worship The One Who Made The Heavens & Earth"
Friday - "The Universality of The Gospel"
Lesson 7 - "Matthew 24-25"
Week of May 14-18, 2018
Monday - "Enduring To The End"
Tuesday - "The 'Abomination of Desolation"
Wednesday - "The Ten Virgins"
Thursday - "Using Your Talents"
Friday - "A Powerful Confirmation of Prophecy"
Lesson 6 - "The 'Change' of the Law"
Week of May 7-11, 2018
Monday - "The Law & Sin"
Tuesday - "From Sabbath To Sunday?"
Wednesday - "The Seventh Day In The New Testament"
Thursday - "The Attempted Change of the Sabbath"
Friday - "Promise"
Lesson 5 - "Christ In The Heavenly Sanctuary"
Week of April 30-May 4, 2018
Monday - "Lamb of God"
Tuesday - "Our High Priest"
Wednesday - "Our Intercessor"
Thursday - "The Day of Atonement"
Friday - "Supreme Sacrifice"
Lesson 4 - "Salvation & The End Time"
Week of April 23-28, 2018
Monday - "The Love of Christ"
Tuesday - "The Love of The Spirit
Wednesday - "Assurance of Salvation"
Thursday - "The Everlasting Gospel"
Friday - "The Love of The Father"
Lesson 3 - "Jesus & The Book of Revelation
Week of April16-20, 2018
Monday - "Images of Jesus"
Tuesday - "The Sanctuary Motif In Revelation"
Wednesday - "Christ In Revelation - Part 1"
Thursday - "Christ In Revelation - Part 2"
Friday - "The Structure of Revelation"
Lesson 2 - "Daniel & The End Time"
Week of April 9-13, 2018
Monday - "The Humility of Daniel"
Tuesday - "The Golden Image"
Wednesday - "Conversion of the Gentiles"
Thursday - "The Faithfulness of Daniel"
Friday - "Faithful In What Is Least"
Lesson 1 - "The Cosmic Conflict"
Week of April 2-April 6, 2018
Monday - "More Than Head Knowledge"
Tuesday - "War In Heaven & Earth"
Wednesday - "With You Always..."
Thursday - "The Law & Grace"
Friday - "The Fall of a Perfect Being"
Lesson 13 - "The Results of Stewardship"
Week of March 26-March 30, 2018
Monday - "Contentment"
Tuesday - "Trust"
Wednesday - "Our Influence"
Thursday - "The Words We Want..."
Friday - "Stewardship & Godliness"
Lesson 12 "The Habits of a Steward"
Week of March 19-23, 2018
Monday - "Habit: Look For the Return of Jesus"
Tuesday - "Habit: Use Time Wisely"
Wednesday - "Habit: Keep a Healthy Mind, Body, & Soul"
Thursday - "Habit: Self-Discipline"
Friday - "Habit: Seek God First"
Lesson 11 "Debt - A Daily Decision"
Week of March 12-16, 2018
Monday - "Stewardship & Instant Gratification"
Tuesday - "Living Within Your Means"
Wednesday - "Saying No To Debt"
Thursday - "Saving & Investing"
Friday - "Borrowing & Spending"
Lesson 10 "The Role of Stewardship"
Week of March 5-March 9, 2018
Monday - "Sanctuary Doctrine"
Tuesday - "Christ-Centered Doctrinal Beliefs"
Wednesday - "The 3 Angels' Messages"
Thursday - "Stewardship"
Friday - "Christ As The Center"
Lesson 9 "Offerings of Gratitude"
Week of February 26-March 2, 2018
Monday - "Stewards of the Grace of God"
Tuesday - "Our Best Offerings"
Wednesday - "Motives of the Heart"
Thursday - "The Experience of Giving"
Friday - "'Where Your Treasure Is'"
Lesson 8 "The Impact of Tithing"
Week of February 19-February 23, 2018
Monday - "The Blessings of God"
Tuesday - "The Purpose of the Tithe
Wednesday - "The Storehouse"
Thursday - "Tithe & Salvation By Faith"
Friday - "Together We Fund The Mission"
Lesson 7 "Honesty With God"
Week of February 12-February 16, 2018
Monday - "The Life of Faith"
Tuesday - "A Statement of Faith'
Wednesday - "Honest Tithe: Holy To The Lord"
Thursday - "Revival, Reformation, & Tithing"
Friday - "A Matter of Simple Honesty"
Lesson 6 "Marks of a Steward"
Week of February 5-February 9, 2018
Monday - "Loyalty"
Tuesday - "A Clear Conscience"
Wednesday - "Obedience"
Thursday - "Trustworthy"
Friday - "Faithfulness"
Lesson 5 "Stewards After Eden"
Week of January 29-February 2, 2018
Monday - "Stewards In The New Testament"
Tuesday - "Stewards of the Mysteries of God"
Wednesday - "Stewards of Spiritual Truth"
Thursday - "Our Responsibility As Stewards"
Friday - "Stewards In The Old Testament"
Lesson 4 "Escape From The World's Ways"
Week of January 22-26, 2018
Monday - "In The Word"
Tuesday - "The Life of Prayer"
Wednesday - "The Life of Wisdom"
Thursday - "The Holy Spirit"
Friday - "A Relationship With Christ"
Lesson 3 "God or Mammon?
Week of January 15-January 19, 2018
Monday - "Son of God/Son of Man"
Tuesday - "Christ, The Redeemer"
Wednesday - "A Jealous God"
Thursday - "True Ownership"
Friday - "Christ, The Creator"
Lesson 2 "I See, I Want, I Take"
Week of January 8-January 12, 2018
Monday - Blurred Spiritual Eyesight"
Tuesday - "The Steps of Covetousness"
Wednesday - "Greed: Having Things Your Way"
Thursday - "Self-Control"
Friday - "The Prosperity Gospel"
Lesson 1 "The Influence of Materialism"
Week of January 1-January 6, 2018
Monday Filling The Barns"- "
Tuesday - "The Allure of Materialism"
Wednesday - "Love of Self"
Thursday - "The Ultimate Futility of Materialism"
Friday - "The God of This World"
Lesson 12 "Overcoming Evil With Good"
Week of December 18-December 22, 2017
Monday - "To Think Soberly"
Tuesday - "The Christian & The State"
Wednesday - "Love One Another"
Thursday - "Now Is Our Salvation"
Friday - "Your Reasonable Service"
Lesson 10 "Children Of Promise"
Week of December 4-December 8, 2017
Monday - "Elect"
Tuesday - "Mysteries"
Wednesday - "Ammi: My People"
Thursday - "Stumbling"
Friday - "Paul's Burden"
Lesson 9 "No Condemnation"
Week of November 27-December 1, 2017
Monday - "What The Law Could Not do"
Tuesday - "The Flesh or The Spirit"
Wednesday - "Christ In You"
Thursday - "The Spirit of Adoption"
Friday - "In Jesus Christ"
Lesson 8 "Who Is The Man Of Romans 7?"
Week of November 20-November 24, 2017
Monday - "Sin And The Law"
Tuesday - "The Law Is Holy"
Wednesday - "The Man of Romans 7"
Thursday - "Saved From Death"
Friday - "Dead To The Law"
Lesson 7 "Overcoming Sin"
Week of November 13-November 17, 2017
Monday - "When Sin Reigns"
Tuesday- "Not Under the Law
Wednesday - "Sin Or Obedience"
Thursday - "Free From Sin"
Friday - "Where Sin Abounded"
Lesson 6 "Adam and Jesus"
Week of November 6-November 10, 2017
Monday - "While Yet Sinners"
Tuesday - "Death Through Sin"
Wednesday - "From Adam To Moses"
Thursday - "Jesus, The Second Adam"
Friday- "Justified By Faith"
Lesson 5 "The Faith of Abraham"
Week of October 30-November 3, 2017
Monday - "Debt Or Grace"
Tuesday - "The Promise"
Wednesday - "Law & Faith"
Thursday - "Law & Sin"
Friday - "The Law"
Lesson 4 "Justification By Faith"
Week of October 23-27, 2017
Monday - "The Righteousness of God"
Tuesday - "By His Grace"
Wednesday - "The Righteousness of Jesus"
Thursday - "Without The Deeds Of The Law"
Friday "The Deeds Of The Law"
Lesson 3 "The Human Condition"
Week of October 16-October 20, 2017
Monday - "All Have Sinned"
Tuesday - "Progress?"
Wednesday - "What Jews & Gentiles..."
Thursday - "Grace & Repentance"
Friday - "The Power Of God"
Lesson 2 "The Controversy"
Week of October 9-October 13, 2017
Monday - "Jewish Laws & Regulations"
Tuesday - "As The Custom Of Moses"
Wednesday - "The Gentile Believers"
Thursday - "Paul & The Galatians"
Friday - "A Better Covenant"
Lesson 1 "The Apostle Paul In Rome"
Week of October 2-October 6, 2017
Monday - "Paul's Desire To Visit Rome"
Tuesday - "Paul In Rome"
Wednesday - "The 'Saints' In Rome"
Thursday - "The Believers In Rome"
Friday - "The Apostle Paul's Letter"
Lesson 14 "Boasting In The Cross"
Week of September 25-September 29, 2017
Monday - "Boasting In The Flesh"
Tuesday- "Boasting In The Cross"
Wednesday - "A New Creation"
Thursday - Final Remarks"
Friday - "Paul's Own Hand"
Lesson 13 "The Gospel And The Church"
Week of September 18-September 22, 2017
Monday - "Beware of Temptation"
Tuesday - "Burden Bearing"
Wednesday - "The Law of Christ"
Thursday - "Sowing & Reaping"
Friday - "Restoring The Fallen"
Lesson 12 "Living By The Spirit"
Week of September 11-September 15, 2017
Monday - "The Christian Conflict"
Tuesday - "The Works of the Flesh"
Wednesday - "The Fruit of the Spirit"
Thursday - "The Way To Victory"
Friday - "Walking In The Spirit"
Lesson 11 "Freedom In Christ"
Week of September 4-September 8, 2017
Monday - "The Nature of Freedom"
Tuesday- "The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism"
Wednesday - "Liberty Not Licentiousness"
Thursday - "Fulfilling The Whole Law"
Friday - "Christ Has Set Us Free"
Lesson 10 "The Two Covenants"
Week of August 28-September 1, 2017
Week of August 28-September 1, 2017
Monday - "The Abrahamic Covenant"
Tuesday - "Abraham, Sarah, & Hagar"
Wednesday - "Hagar & Mount Sinai"
Thursday - "Ishmael & Isaac Today"
Friday - "Covenant Basics"
Lesson 9 "Paul's Pastoral Appeal"
Week of August 21-August 25, 2017
Monday - "The Challenge To Become"
Tuesday - "I Have Become As You Are"
Wednesday - "Then And Now"
Thursday - "Speaking The Truth"
Friday - "The Heart Of Paul"
Lesson 8 "From Slaves To Heirs"
Week of August 14-August 18, 2017
Monday - "Enslaved To Elementary Principles"
Tuesday - "'God Sent Forth His Son'"
Wednesday - "The Privileges of Adoption"
Thursday - "Why Turn Back To Slavery"
Friday - "Our Condition In Christ"
Lesson 7 "The Road To Faith"
Week of August 7-August 11, 2017
Week of August 7-August 11, 2017
Monday - "Kept Under The Law"
Tuesday - "The Law As Our Guard"
Wednesday - "The Law As Our Schoolmaster"
Thursday - "The Law & The Believer"
Friday - "The Law & The Promise"
Lesson 6 "The Priority of the Promise"
Week of July 31-August 1, 2017
Week of July 31-August 1, 2017
Monday - "Faith & Law"
Tuesday - "The Purpose of the Law"
Wednesday - "The Duration of God's Law"
Thursday - "The Superiority of the Promise"
Friday - "Law & Faith'"
Lesson 5 "Old Testament Faith"
Week of July 24-July 28, 2017
Monday - "Grounded In Scripture"
Tuesday - "Reckoned As Righteous"
Wednesday - "The Gospel In The Old Testament"
Thursday - "Redeemed From A Curse"
Friday - "The Foolish Galatians'"
Lesson 4 "Justification By Faith Alone"
Week of July 17-July 21, 2017
Monday - "Works of the Law"
Tuesday - "The Basis of Our Justification"
Wednesday - "The Obedience of Faith"
Thursday - "Does Faith Promote Sin?"
Friday - "The Question of 'Justification'"
Lesson 3 "The Unity of the Gospel"
Week of July 10-July 14, 2017
Week of July 10-July 14, 2017
Monday - "Circumcision & False Believers"
Tuesday - "Unity In Diversity"
Wednesday - "Confrontation In Antioch"
Thursday - "Paul's Concern"
Friday - "The Importance of Unity"
Lesson 2 "Paul's Authority and Gospel "
Week of July 3-July 7, 2017
Monday - "Paul's Calling"
Tuesday - "Paul's Gospel"
Wednesday - "No Other Gospel"
Thursday - "The Origin of Paul's Gospel"
Friday - "Paul, The Letter Writer
Lesson 1 "Paul: Apostle To The Gentiles "
Week of June 26-June 30, 2017
Monday - "Saul's Conversion"
Tuesday - "Saul In Damascus"
Wednesday - "The Gospel Goes To The Gentiles"
Thursday - "Conflict Within The Church"
Friday - "Persecutor Of Christians"
Lesson 13 "Major Themes In The Writings Of Peter"
Week of June 19-23, 2017
Week of June 19-23, 2017
Monday - "How Shall I Live?"
Tuesday - "Hope In The 2nd Coming"
Wednesday - "Order In Society & In The Church"
Thursday - "The Primacy of Scripture"
Friday - "Suffering, Jesus, & Salvation"
Lesson 8 "Jesus In The Writings of Peter"
Week of May 15-19, 2017
"The Passion of Christ" - May 15, 2017
"Jesus and the Resurrection" - Tuesday, May 16, 2017
"Jesus As the Messiah" - Wednesday, May 17, 2017
"Jesus, the Divine Messiah" - May 18, 2017
"Jesus Our Sacrifice" - Friday, May 19, 2017
Lesson 7 "Servant Leadership"
Week of May 8-12, 2017
Week of May 8-12, 2017
"The Elders" - Monday, May 8, 2017
"Servant Leadership" - Tuesday, May 9, 2017
"Clothed With Humility" - Wednesday, May 10, 2017
"Like A Roaring Lion" - Thursday, May 11, 2017
"Elders In The Early Church" - Friday, May 12, 2017
Lesson 6 "Suffering For Christ"
Week of May 1-5, 2017
"Suffering & the Example of Christ" - Monday, May 1, 2017
"The Fiery Trial" - Tuesday, May 2, 2017
"Judgment & The People of God" - Wednesday, May 3, 2017
"Faith Amid Trials" - Thursday, May 4, 2017
"Persecution of Early Christians" - Friday, May 5, 2017
"Love Covers All" - Thursday, April 27, 2017
"Being of One Mind" - Friday, April 28, 2017