The Battle of Armageddon
SCRIPTURE Q & A The Battle of Armageddon: Revelation 16:13-16 Where Is the Battle of Armageddon?
Who is in The Battle of Armageddon?
Christ and His Church win The Battle of Armageddon!
SUMMARY The Battle of Armageddon...
The Battle of Armageddon
"The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering--a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition."
- The Great Controversy, p. 582
"We need to study the pouring out of the seventh vial. The powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle. But Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the earth is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revelation eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, will awake from slumber, and the armies of the living God will take the field"
- SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, p. 983
Where Is the Battle of Armageddon?
"A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That which has been held in control is to be let loose. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to step down from the throne, and leave the world to the control of Satan. The principalities and powers of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of heaven. They are filled with hatred against those who serve him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the last great battle between good and evil. The earth is to be the battlefield --the scene of the final contest and the final victory. Here, where for so long Satan has led men against God, rebellion is to be forever suppressed."
- Review and Herald, May 13, 1902
Who Is In the Battle of Armageddon?
"All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under the leadership of satanic agencies. But they are to be kept under control till the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon."
- SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, p. 967
"Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived."
- The Great Controversy, p. 624
SDA Bible Commentary, p. 982-983
The Battle of Armageddon
"The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering--a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition."
- The Great Controversy, p. 582
"We need to study the pouring out of the seventh vial. The powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle. But Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the earth is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revelation eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, will awake from slumber, and the armies of the living God will take the field"
- SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, p. 983
Where Is the Battle of Armageddon?
"A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That which has been held in control is to be let loose. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to step down from the throne, and leave the world to the control of Satan. The principalities and powers of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of heaven. They are filled with hatred against those who serve him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the last great battle between good and evil. The earth is to be the battlefield --the scene of the final contest and the final victory. Here, where for so long Satan has led men against God, rebellion is to be forever suppressed."
- Review and Herald, May 13, 1902
Who Is In the Battle of Armageddon?
"All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under the leadership of satanic agencies. But they are to be kept under control till the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon."
- SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, p. 967
"Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived."
- The Great Controversy, p. 624
SDA Bible Commentary, p. 982-983