A Reform Movement
SCRIPTURE Q & A What is true reform: What is a false reform? Signs of True Reform
Signs of False Reform
What is the Heart of the Reform?
The signs of true reform include: a spirit of prayer, a spirit of sincere conversion, a widespread spirit of missionary work, and a spirit of praise and thanksgiving. The signs of false reform include: Satanic counterfeits, a spirit of discord & strife, fanaticism, "new light" unsubstantiated by the Bible. At the very heart of the reform is the understanding & acceptance by faith of Christ's righteousness alone as salvation! |
The Promise of Reform
"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer."
- Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 121
"Everyone needs now to seek the Lord. God's people will not endure the test unless there is a revival and a reformation. The Lord will not admit into the mansions He is preparing for the righteous, one soul who is self-sufficient."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 7, p. 285
"A reformation is needed among the people, but it should first begin its purifying work with the ministers."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 1, p. 469
"Let there be a reformation among the people of God."
- Messages to Young People, p. 31
"A revival and a reformation must take place under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from the spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected with the revival of the Spirit. Revival and reformation are to do their appointed work, and in doing this work they must blend."
- Christian Service, p. 42
"Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His children."
- Great Controversy, p. 464
Characteristics of True Reform
"In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God's people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other miracles were wrought. A spirit of intercession was seen, even as was manifested before the great Day of Pentecost. Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On every side doors were thrown open to the proclamation of the truth. The world seemed to be lightened with the heavenly influence. Great blessings were received by the true and humble people of God. I heard voices of thanksgiving and praise, and there seemed to be a reformation such as we witnessed in 1844."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 9, p. 126
"When this reformation begins, the spirit of prayer will actuate every believer and will banish from the church the spirit of discord and strife. Those who have not been living in Christian fellowship will draw close to one another."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 8, p. 251
"There will be no confusion, because all will be in harmony with the mind of the Spirit. The barriers separating believer from believer will be broken down, and God's servants will speak the same things. The Lord will co-operate with His servants."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 8, p. 251
Characteristics of False Reform
"In every revival [Satan] is ready to bring in those who are unsanctified in heart and unbalanced in mind."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 396
"In all the history of the church, no reformation has been carried forward without encountering serious obstacles. Thus it was in Paul's day. Wherever the apostle raised up a church, there were some who professed to receive the faith, but who brought in heresies, that, if received, would eventually crowd out the love of the truth."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 396
"The seed which [Martin] Luther had sown sprung up everywhere....But Satan was not idle. He now attempted what he has attempted in every other reformatory movement,--to deceive and destroy the people by palming off upon them a counterfeit in place of the true work. As there were false christs in the first century of the Christian church, so there arose false prophets in the sixteenth century."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 186
"Fanaticism will appear in the very midst of us. Deceptions will come, and of such a character that if it were possible they would mislead the very elect."
- Selected Messages, p. 16
"When the Lord works through human instrumentalities, when men are moved with power from on high, Satan leads his agents to cry, "Fanaticism!" and to warn people not to go to extremes. Let all be careful how they raise this cry; for though there is counterfeit coin, this does not lower the value of that which is genuine."
- Gospel Workers, p. 170
"God has not passed His people by and chosen one solitary man here and another there as the only ones worthy to be entrusted with His truth. He does not give one man new light contrary to the established faith of the body."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 5, p. 291
"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer."
- Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 121
"Everyone needs now to seek the Lord. God's people will not endure the test unless there is a revival and a reformation. The Lord will not admit into the mansions He is preparing for the righteous, one soul who is self-sufficient."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 7, p. 285
"A reformation is needed among the people, but it should first begin its purifying work with the ministers."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 1, p. 469
"Let there be a reformation among the people of God."
- Messages to Young People, p. 31
"A revival and a reformation must take place under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from the spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected with the revival of the Spirit. Revival and reformation are to do their appointed work, and in doing this work they must blend."
- Christian Service, p. 42
"Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His children."
- Great Controversy, p. 464
Characteristics of True Reform
"In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God's people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other miracles were wrought. A spirit of intercession was seen, even as was manifested before the great Day of Pentecost. Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On every side doors were thrown open to the proclamation of the truth. The world seemed to be lightened with the heavenly influence. Great blessings were received by the true and humble people of God. I heard voices of thanksgiving and praise, and there seemed to be a reformation such as we witnessed in 1844."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 9, p. 126
"When this reformation begins, the spirit of prayer will actuate every believer and will banish from the church the spirit of discord and strife. Those who have not been living in Christian fellowship will draw close to one another."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 8, p. 251
"There will be no confusion, because all will be in harmony with the mind of the Spirit. The barriers separating believer from believer will be broken down, and God's servants will speak the same things. The Lord will co-operate with His servants."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 8, p. 251
Characteristics of False Reform
"In every revival [Satan] is ready to bring in those who are unsanctified in heart and unbalanced in mind."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 396
"In all the history of the church, no reformation has been carried forward without encountering serious obstacles. Thus it was in Paul's day. Wherever the apostle raised up a church, there were some who professed to receive the faith, but who brought in heresies, that, if received, would eventually crowd out the love of the truth."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 396
"The seed which [Martin] Luther had sown sprung up everywhere....But Satan was not idle. He now attempted what he has attempted in every other reformatory movement,--to deceive and destroy the people by palming off upon them a counterfeit in place of the true work. As there were false christs in the first century of the Christian church, so there arose false prophets in the sixteenth century."
- The Great Controversy, 1888 Edition, p. 186
"Fanaticism will appear in the very midst of us. Deceptions will come, and of such a character that if it were possible they would mislead the very elect."
- Selected Messages, p. 16
"When the Lord works through human instrumentalities, when men are moved with power from on high, Satan leads his agents to cry, "Fanaticism!" and to warn people not to go to extremes. Let all be careful how they raise this cry; for though there is counterfeit coin, this does not lower the value of that which is genuine."
- Gospel Workers, p. 170
"God has not passed His people by and chosen one solitary man here and another there as the only ones worthy to be entrusted with His truth. He does not give one man new light contrary to the established faith of the body."
- Testimonies to the Church, Volume 5, p. 291